Category Archives: Cloe Morning

Cloe’s Pad

After spending months serving as test subject for her sister’s experiments Cloe saved up enough money to buy and furnish her lakesided fun time pad near the Alvinus lakes where she can invite all company she wants to satiate her thirst.

And you can buy it in high res here:

Or buy a print here:

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Cloe in the ruins

On the outskirts of the city of Alvinus there are old ruins, some say they are of earlier incarnations of the city that fell in the spider wars. It is dangerous to go in that area without “protection”.

Luckily her tentasuit “bloop” is here to help her brave the dangerous and possibly wriggly depths of the ruins.

You can get the high res set here for 4 euros. That will go towards financing my third artbook out in january:

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