Tag Archives: anal

Joan greeting her new neighborhood! By fisting her butt

Sooo Catherine’s exhibitionism kinda rubbed off on Joan. She moved out of her apartment into a full house. Only for her nosy neighbor to be replaced with an overly friendly neighborhood association. 

So she’s kinda telling the rest of them what she thinks of them. Also she felt like stuffing her hand up her butt 

This is the last pic for 2017!  Thank you all for Reblogging, Commenting and liking my pics over 2017! See you on the flip side!

Catherine’s new job- Bulging dildo

Catherine is a bit of an exhibitionist and a affinity for big toys. So she has the perfect job now in the Sexy Time sex shop displaying herself in a cute outfit and ramming giant toys up her butt. But she needs a bigger toy so she set up a “Catherine needs a bigger donger fund” to get a bigger one one to take home. 

Anemone goes lewd solo stream

So Anemone has been doing a solo stream after her  stream with Eureka. She learnt that bigger is better and the lewder the more people come visit her stream. The more she makes! So she got new piercings and  jammed those big toys right on up there ๐Ÿ˜€  Then she realized sheโ€™d gone too far and there wasnโ€™t really a way to turn back ๐Ÿ™‚

Good thing it all got caught by the camera ๐Ÿ˜€