Tag Archives: cloe

Cloe’s Pad

After spending months serving as test subject for her sister’s experiments Cloe saved up enough money to buy and furnish her lakesided fun time pad near the Alvinus lakes where she can invite all company she wants to satiate her thirst.

And you can buy it in high res here:

Or buy a print here:

Continue reading Cloe’s Pad

Happy Holidays and have a great 2020!

Happy Holidays and have a great 2020!

Joan and Cloe celebrating whatever they celebrate in Alvinus 😀

P.s. the first two pics below are the higher res versions 😉 Check who is on the naughty list 😀
Thanks to everyone supporting me by leaving comments and liking my art.
You folks rock!

2020 will be a bit more productive hopefully.
Already have two very nice pics lined up 🙂 that might possibly drop on January 1st 😀


Cloe Morning Character sheet

This is Cloe, official character sheet is here. Related to Joan. But not as busty as Joan! She has special powers that are powered by cum 🙂

She also is covered in a living suit that changes color depending on her hornyness. An accident involving a screwdriver, a dumpster and an experiment left behind by the always careless employees of Sexy Time labs to help a certain barista with her “problem”.

It may be changing her more than she knows. Meanwhile she is enjoying the superpowers it gives her. Sadly her powers are recharged by reproductive juices 😉

She will feature in my new story with Steph Lait (character sheet to follow) where she discovers her new suit and its powers!