Tag Archives: dildo

Gods In An Alcove in Alvinus

Gods in an Alcove is a wonderful blog on tumblr. Lots of inspiration for seeing large things go into wet places 😀

I decided to do a fan-art. But as she notoriously hides her face it was hard to do ofc. With some sleuthing i did uncover some things but almost everything neck up is a game of avarages 😉

Anyway. So the fine folks at Godsinanalcove finally visit Alvinus(pretty much all my art takes place there 😀 ) in the “Italian” district.  I bet that if Alvinus would be part of our universe these folks would be a frequent customer at the Sexy Time. Where lube is plentiful and giant dildos are cheaper than small ones. 


Eureka & Anemone find a new way to earn a buck

Life is harsh,and they have to earn a buck. Luckily they really enjoy the attention their fans give them.  And those giant fucking dildos. Anemone a bit more than Eureka. The bigger the toys the higher the donations! Anemone and Eureka really filled out nicely.

P.s. I’m working on a pic with just Anemone and that giant dong behind her!

If you like girls with big toys and latex 😀 go check out my artbook!