Tag Archives: whee

Merry Xmas – A gathering at Spiral… Blasted dragons!

(High res)

Individual parts



This year Laeriel invited a few folks from around the stream and tumblr sphere to her private dungeon in Spiral (A fetish club in Alvinus)
The gift unwrapping was quickly followed by some naughtyness…
Sadly she also invited Delidah who promptly misunderstood “dragon dildos” for “dragons” an summoned this pink one from one of the packages. Wreaking havoc along the way 🙂

I wanted to do a little gift art for some of the artists I frequently check out on tumblr and picarto. Not all of them are in here though. I ran out of time and space 😀

Clockwise (starting at the red one 😀 )
Spades – Sven’s OC
NinjaKitty – Ninjakitty’s OC
Nalica – AnimeFlux’s OC
Myria – Salverion’s OC
Sweater girl – Dr Graevling’s OC
Howler – Owler’s OC
Maya – Calm’s OC
Laeriel – my OC
Delidah – Delidah’s OC
Rara – MyPetTentacleMonster’s OC

I will probably be doing some more of these characters. I really enjoyed figuring them out.
(though NinjaKitty’s OC sheet with colors was VERY helpful!)

There are also a few “Eastereggs” hidden in there somewhere.

I will post each of the individual parts as separate pics tomorrow
(I gotta go spend at least some of Xmas with family right)

Time taken: close to 35-40 hours

You can find all of my art on these profiles:

I also stream almost every day at: